Been having buffet for like every weekends cos there's just so many birthday party lol!!! Just when I realized it, I'm turning 21 soon too. Life in SCS so far... hmm not bad haha. I guess it's all about the commanders we have there. Thank God for everything. Indeed he has a great plan for me. Wonder if I'll be able to cross over to ocs and sign up for Airforce Officer positions. Is it a wise choice for me if i managed to cross over?
Sadly I didnt bring my camera for Justin's birthday and yea, no pictures uploaded in fb yet lol!!! Inefficient at all!!! Haha jkjk.
Went out with simon, hoping to purchase 1 or 2 "Praise" T shirts but to no avail lol. Saw the cameras sales and wanted to purchase one but wonder why i hesitated and went off lol! Anyway glad that I managed to buy 3 berms ytd lol. Grey, black and white each haha!
Oh yea my latest IPPT results, here goes:
2.4km Run - 9.37min (5 Points)
Shutter Run - 9.7s (5 Points)
Sit-ups - 42 (5 Points)
Pull-ups - 12 (5 Points)
SBJ - 239 (4 Points)
Total Score: Gold (24/25) 1 more point to a perfect gold hahaha
Thank God for everything. Even though I had always wanted to get a gold but never did I expect myself to be able to achieve it. Indeed nth is impossible :)